Thursday, March 26, 2009

New PyRRD Release: 0.0.7

Version 0.1 is nearing as the 7th release made it out the door tonight. The latest features include RRD info/fetch methods, a simple RRD object mapper, and the ability to dump files programmatically. Various bug fixes have been applied, thanks to feedback and patches from the community. In particular, Aaron Westendorf of Agora Games, Leem Smit, and nasvos.

You can download from PyPI (or use setuptools to install it) at the expected location:

Note that the the PyPI page has a quick run-down on the basic features and how to use them.

The next feature to be implemented has already been planned out (it's just a matter of sitting down and writing the code now): adding support for the Python bindings. If this is important to you, be sure to star the issue in the bug tracker:

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